GBM Music

Your Musical Toolkit for a Better Life

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Here at GBM Music we believe music has an incredible power for good.

Using science and psychology, we have created a series of courses that use music to help you improve every aspect of your life.

Sign up for free, and get started on the course of your choice today!

Lessons in Sleep Better in 21 Days - Guaranteed:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: A quick introduction to the course, and what you can expect.

  2. 2 My Sleep Story

    Objective: I explain my struggles with sleep, and why I created this course.

  3. 3 5 Quick and Easy Wins to Get You Started

    Objective: Introducing some quick and easy changes you can make to sleep better quickly

  4. 4 Morning Tracking

    Objective: Download your Morning Tracker!

  5. 5 Assessing Your Sleep

    Objective: Today we want to get to know you!

  6. 6 Your Personal Sleep Quality Report

    Objective: Let's create your sleep quality report

  7. 7 Worksheet - Room Diagnostics

  8. 8 The Magic of Music

    Objective: Can music really help us sleep better? The science is clear...

  9. 9 GBM Music's Unique Sleep Song

    Objective: Get your copy of our science-inspired sleep music

  10. 10 Creating Your Morning Routine

  11. 11 Setting Up a Routine Timer

    Objective: In this bonus lesson - we explore how you can create a timer to put your morning routine on autopilot.

  12. 12 Sticking With Your Morning Routine

    Objective: Let's go through some vital tips to ensure you stick with your new morning routine and turn it into a habit.

  13. 13 Weekend Woes and Life on the Road

    Objective: Today we learn how to handle weekends, and deal with travelling and other sleep disrupters.

  14. 14 Bonus - Sleep Song Extended Version!

    Objective: Download your version of our extended sleep song.

  15. 15 Tools for Tracking Your Sleep

    Objective: Interested in sleep tracking? Here's a look at some of the available technology.

  16. 16 One Week In!

  17. 17 Progress Review

    Objective: Complete your first progress review!

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